
An Anthem of Identity

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Stake your claim. No apologies. No caveats. 

Forget your brightened blown out beauty. Forget your big bold personal brand. Just for a minute. Just for a blink. Don’t reduce yourself to a blurb or a bio. You are more than the dispensary of sensible solutions. 

Remember… what your soul knows.

You are more than meets the eye. Even your own eye. Widen the scope of who you are so you don’t get lost in the shadows of who you’re not. Be seen. Be heard. Just for this moment. No need to be more. Or less.

Kick away the pedestals. 

The ones you put others on because you think they have something you don’t. The ones you’ve erected for yourself to stay above the riffraff of doubt and disappointment. Fall off. 

Fall below the radar. Reassess the fire that makes you come alive.

Do not live on embers. Give up what makes you feel small. Rise up into who you are dying to be. Disappoint your unreasonable expectations. Strike the assumptions about who you should be. Reject what you’ve accepted as the way it has to be

Let back in the parts you abandoned for being too much, too little, too crazy.

Let your freak flag fly. Feel it wave ferociously in the winds of your bold revolution. Snap wildly in the wild weather of your courageous evolution. Banish the endless barrage of better and best. Blow off the platitudes that bury you in boredom. Do not get caught in the backstory of because.

Do not try to be brilliant or beautiful, productive or prolific, smart or successful. Stop all your trying. There is only one fundamental, fantastic truth. 

What you want, what I want, what we all want, more than anything else– is to feel alive. 

To feel the primal fire of who we are… torch the underbrush of what we were afraid we could not live without. To watch it burn through the thicket of fear. Feel it erupt into the night. Recognize the crackle and howl as our own. And remember what it feels like to be free.


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