
How to Become the Goddess (or God) You Are

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The Power of Superhero Poses

Powerfully effective people share not only similar mindsets but also similar hormone levels. Specifically, higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol.

Studies coming out of Harvard University, University of Oregon and University of Texas are showing a direct correlation between the physical cue of body language and our hormonal levels.

Harvard researcher, Amy Cuddy, has found through saliva test studies, that standing in a “Wonderwoman Power Pose” for as little as two minutes increases our testosterone level 20% and lowers our cortisol level 25%.

That’s quite an impact body language has on the hormones inside it.

And it keeps getting better.

Higher levels of testosterone (in both men and women) lead to increased feelings of confidence. Meanwhile, lower levels of cortisol lead to decreased anxiety and an improved ability to deal with stress.

That’s kind of nice, no?

So, essentially standing like wonder woman, which I had perfected as a child (including the dramatic sunglass removal swing into full-blown character) increases a sense of personal power and wellbeing.

Founder of Habitat for Humanity, Millard Fuller, has a great quote to this end:

It’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting.

The applications are exciting.

Especially for people who tend to be empaths, highly sensitive, introverted or for the luckiest amongst us– all three.

Leo had a holiday band show this weekend. There were a couple factors that stressed him out prior to going on stage and although he recovered and delivered a pitch perfect melody, his body language and performance indicated stress.

We talked afterward.

I encouraged him to find his own personal space a few minutes before he goes on stage next time to gather and ground himself. To take a few deep centering calming breaths. But what if… he did all this while standing in a Superman Power Pose?

I can barely wait for his next show.

Out of curiosity I did it before picking up a few things at the market this weekend and I must say, no joke, I felt more confident, more powerful –less apologetic for my no make-up, low-key Sunday morning self.

I think I may try to tap into my inner Wonder Woman daily.


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