
Let GO

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Forget the IT.

I always want to know exactly, specifically, down to every last impossible detail, what it is I am supposed to be letting go. But last night I was drifting off to sleep I saw the words Let GO on the movie screen inside my mind.

Printed just like that. With out the ‘it’. And with all caps on “GO”.

Surely, I thought, this is a typo. So, I tried to add the ‘it’ but my Master Messenger, or whatever creative force inside my mind is in charge of such decisions, wouldn’t have it.

Sometimes the “it” is important.

It could be an unintentional comment that hurts your feelings, a staunch belief that more pretzels will make you less sad or simply a pebble in your sneaker.

Whatever appears to be the issue, it’s imperative to clearly define it is, before you can tackle how to let it go. Especially because the initial ‘it’ is usually a surface issue/problem disguising the bigger, more fundamental ‘it’ beneath.

Okay, moving on from it.

After getting this movie screen mind message, I stopped drifting off to sleep and started thinking about what the message meant.

A willingness to eject or discharge a singular something that is causing pain or suffering is a small release. A kind of shedding of what doesn’t serve us.

It may significantly lighten the load but it is not itself responsible for forward motion. This is very different from engaging the energy of GO.

So, what does a general letting GO look like?

Letting GO increases FLOW.

Imagine you control the traffic lights of the energy in your personal world.

Any number of completely understandable worries, fears and frustrations cause you to engage mostly yellow with occasional red lights for particularly troublesome scenarios.

Green is reserved for small, nebulous decisions okaying the nine dollar expenditure for a green juice or approving a spontaneous x-box spree on the week-end.

What if, as the master controller, you set every light to run on green?

For an entire day? Maybe two or three? In a row?

And what if, instead of massive collisions, traffic jams and chaos, the act of allowing all these energies to flow caused a new sense of order, a welcomed co-collaboration with forces bigger than you, a sense of personal freedom.

I have not yet run this experiment in the lab of my own life but plan to GO green starting right now for three days.

Eeeks, yikes and fingers crossed!

One last thought before closing. The general spirit of letting GO has a kind of mass clearance ring to it.

And I wonder if perhaps many of the things we try so hard to let go of are already long gone?

And it is more our clinging to the idea of them, that we must let GO.


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