The Scavenger Hunt Called Life
There are three ways to play.
Some people write out their own list and then set out to find everything on it. If and when the list gets fulfilled they either retire or write a new list and set out on that adventure. This approach requires self-discipline, perseverance and grit.
For others the list is a dynamic unfolding exchange between oneself and the universe. They have an idea, an objective of where they want to go but in moving toward it, the list is ‘given’ to them by road signs along the way. This approach requires curiosity, faith and flexibility.
Thirdly, there is the integrated approach.
This, for most, is the toughest because it requires a keen and practiced use of intuition, which is the most under-taught and under-utilized skill most of us have. We have to intuitively sense, not intellectually know (or more accurately think we know) how and when to toggle from one approach to the other.
I strive for the third approach because it supports all my beliefs about the way the world works. I have become quite adept at the DIY approach (which is how I was brought up) while also a big advocate of the Look for Signs approach as life has proven this to be the most strategically spot-on for me.
The part I struggle with is faith.
I believe. With my whole heart and mind. But the blind trust thing is tougher for me. I want to. And it sure would make the letting go part WAY easier. But I always kind of feel like, in the back of my mind, maybe the universe has its hands really full and could really use a few gentle reminders. Or supposing the universe thinks I meant one thing when I really meant something else. Clarity never hurts, right?
I seem to forget the part where faith is about letting go of control and being open to collaborative opportunity not just delegating tasks on my already brilliantly outlined plan, which I always do feel very passionately partial too.
Faith always proves me limited.
Always. Rather annoyingly without fail.
I get married till death do us part with my perfectly drafted plan for whatever it is I’m planning, be it our home renovation, my new album, new business at work, my strategy for creating resilient, brilliant, compassionate sons – whatever.
And then, seemingly out of nowhere, there’s a radical departure, a catastrophic crack, a plate tectonic shift in the foundation of my plan. And it falls apart. And then I fall apart. Luckily these days not for long because I do know AND sense that something far greater than my plan will emerge.
And it always does. And it is always exponentially more profound and generous and holistic in the way it comes through than I could ever hope to be.
You’d think I could integrate this learning and become a faith master.
Why can’t it be more like the let’s all please pick up our socks and shoes and sports equipment around the house or you will all sleep in the garage and I mean it this time speech. It never happens but each time I little piece of me genuinely thinks maybe this time they really heard me!
Or the, I will absolutely NOT eat any cashews, almonds, pistachios or ice cream tomorrow, pledge I make going to sleep at night. I do believe there is a strong possibility I will be able to deliver against this goal. Not.
No matter. I am working on all of it.
And like the squirrels outside my window, I will gather nuts when the sun is shining and trust in the seasons and trees to deliver.