
The Corruption of Will Power

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It has become an extremist form of personalized torture.

Will power seems to be either about radical abstinence or fanatical endurance. Can you do two hundred Burpees without stopping?

Can you go carb and sugar free for two months… and not be a complete asshole?

The term seems to have been co-opted by the diet industry.

But it doesn’t stop there. Corporate American capitalism has its version. Can you work around the clock for two years to make partner?

The American Psychological Association defines it as, “The ability to resist short-term temptations to achieve long-term goals.” Collins English Dictionary defines it as: “Control deliberately exerted to do something or to restrain one’s own impulses.”

Not shocking, many of us have serious control issues.

I mean what kind of scallywag sits on their rump all day and writes poetry? What impulses are being restrained there? What kind of control is at play in that situation?

Will is defined as: “The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action.” And power as: “The ability to do something or act in a particular way.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines will power as, “ The strength of will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans.”

Phew, finally… a little breathing room.

This feels a little closer to how I’d like to understand will power. And it’s a lot closer to many of its synonyms: determination, strength of character, drive, commitment, dedication, tenacity, purposefulness…

Kris Carr weighed in on her notion of Willpower in Sunday’s New York Times magazine section.

“I define willpower as consistent energy directed toward a goal.

But if you’re not careful using it, willpower can lead to burnout. It can get you out of balance. When you’re too rigid or strict or hard on yourself, willpower becomes white-knuckling, and there’s nothing fun or inspiring about that.

For me, willpower is passion. It’s positive, it’s desire, it’s energy. It is the animating life force.”

Yeah baby, sign me up for that will power.

This was enormously helpful to me because I operate mostly from a “white-knuckling” perspective.

I tackle everything from the kids summer camps to new business decks at work to healthy dinners and even mindful awareness with a hunkered all the way down LET’S DO THIS THING approach.

Not everybody is a fan of this. In fact, it is possible that certain family members get a little nervous when I go into full hunker down mode.

This is unlikely to change overnight or probably at all.

BUT what I’d like to shoot for is having this driving force of mine reconnect with the passion, positivity, desire and energy rather than well up from a fear of being out of control.

Isn’t the heart of passion about relinquishing the need to control?


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