
We Are Agents of Change

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And that requires fresh eyes. Every day.

This is hard to do. Really hard. A lot gets in the way– sleep deprivation, been-there done-that general exhaustion, ginormous to do lists, sore necks, career ruts, money anxiety, sick parents, fear of the unknown– the list is endless

And yet, if we don’t take our eyes off the list, for even five minutes, we die.

I know, that sounds dramatic, but I think it’s true.

Obviously, not a literal, physical death. But the part of us that believes in magic, in possibility, in dreams and change and the power of imagination– that part, dies.

It’s not permanent. But the longer we go without it, the harder it is to resurrect.

I toggle between what’s the point and anything’s possible on a regular basis.

But I am pretty committed to seeing my life, our children, my job, our world and the English language with fresh eyes as often as I can.

I return to books that I know will remind me of the absurdity of all my frenetic planning, extensive worrying and problem solving of future events that will probably never happen.

Whenever I feel like I am going to lose my mind, I try to actually do it. Lose it.

And then I wander around my imagination, dreams and nature.

I try to engage in anything that involves play; not reason, curiosity; not ego. There’s so much more room there. Plus, it’s the only way I can ever figure out the right questions to ask and a plan grounded in truth.

Plans born of logic always seem to be riddled with doubt. I can and do poke holes in all the different aspects of them, until eventually they sink.

However, plans born from heart guidance and soul mapping are good to go.

These are hard to create for people who really like scientific evidence, quantitative proof and money-back guarantees. Of which I am one. The problem is, they don’t lead to change.

Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

This is usually what I do.

Until I can’t stand it anymore.

Until the wild, scrappy squirrels in my brain finally fall asleep. And the fireflies come out. And I remember I don’t need to see the future to appreciate where I am.

Fresh eyes require believing in bits of magic that can light up the darkness.

We can’t change the world if we can’t see beyond our limited vision of it.


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