
Climb to Unlock

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It’s easy to say we want to be more connected to our family, ourselves – our life. It’s easy to say we need cut back on social media. That it’s become a bad habit we need to break. But it’s SO HARD to actually do it!


1)   Social Media is Addictive

Researchers compare our sense of technology dependency on the feeling that we must be accessible and responsive at any time to that of drugs and alcohol. It’s the same hormonal Dopamine reaction. It says, when you get something and it feels good, you want more of it. Compulsive texting, e-mailing and web jumping—these are all dopamine induced loops.

2)   Social Media Creates Insecurity

We are terrified of not keeping up, of missing out, being out of the loop. We are scared our very existence will be outdated, that we will be irrelevant and people will forget us if we are not connected 24/7. And we feel inadequate compared with the uber amazing post-ers.

3)   Social Media Is Demanding

It sets up unreasonable expectations. Everyone expects immediate gratification. Instant text messaging. Prompt e-mail replies. Split second Facebook likes. And we are guilty both ways. We expect it from others. Yet, we are overwhelmed by others expecting it of us.

Okay, great. So, that explains WHY we are so overly digitally connected. But what do we DO about it? We need to break the habit.

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But HOW?


Remember when the Florida Citrus folks told us orange juice wasn’t just for breakfast anymore? Well, what if Real Life wasn’t just for vacations anymore?

We have to think about unplugging differently. Instead of it meaning that we’re irresponsible slackers, what if  meant we’re actually modern day Robin hoods’ stealing time from the digital world to  take care of our families?

What if begin screen-free makes us heroes! After all, we are not living in a virtual reality. We are not Simms characters. Or emoticons. We are living, breathing people in a living, breathing world. We are bigger than a screen.

2)    Celebrate your REAL LIFE ADVENTURE On-line

In Europe, when storeowners need to run out for a quick croissant, or an afternoon siesta, they put up a sign saying be back by 3.

This is not a life-threatening, business-crushing event. It is just Tuesday at 2:30. What if we adopted a similar strategy? Instead of sneaking screen-free time and feeling guilty when we return to a slew of unanswered e-mails, what if we simply put up a sign? Set clear expectations? In a fun way that reflects us?

Could say: Gone Fishing (Back tomorrow at 9) or Plugging into MOM MODE (Back at 3) or Creating Client-Driven GENIUS (Back by 2)

Having done this myself, I can tell you, some people will be disappointed, some even pissed off. BUT, you are FREE – conscience and all. And, eventually, everyone accepts it. Even if they didn’t, do you really want that kind of stress in your life?

3)    Create a FREEDOM Plan

We can no longer remain slaves to our screens.

Freedom requires discipline. We have to plan time when we will re-engage real life. Set aside one hour three times day. Equally important, we need to plan what we will do on our social media vacation. Doodle, go for a walk, peruse a cookbook, take a nap.

We are so geared to accomplishment, it gives us anxiety to play UNLESS we plan for it. And, we all know (even though the point is not to have a point) the more we allow ourselves to be free, the more productive we are actually able to be.

Its easy to see why it’s been so hard to cut back on our connectivity but now it’s even easier to see how we can connect back with what really matters most.


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2 Responses

  1. susan

    And yet without it in this moment, I wouldn’t see YOUR amazing work and talent. To strike a balance in this and all things in my own life seems to be an ongoing challenge. Recently as I read A Course in Miracles…it impressed upon me to stop trying to make decision by myself. Rather go within and consult; source, God, higher power…..the name of no-name, intuition, knowing….that spot that you know you know and often ignore. Nature, will power, love….yes, there it is. LOVE Peace, Susan

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